How to declare on the appropriate plot, and what is valid for theplots. Five provisions of the draft law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Hellenic Federation of Owners offers a wide range of answers for the KEDE platform (Central Union of Greek Municipalities, electronic cadastre) and application settings for removing any type of citizens’ debts to local authorities due to incomplete data on the area of real estate.
Answering questions from both members of the federation and many interested owners, she explains the following:
- WHERE AND WHAT WE DECLARE: * Clicking on the category “Electrified” leads to a list of corrections to the square meters of all electrified buildings that were declared with incomplete square meters.
* By clicking on the “No Power” category, corrections are recorded for:
Surfaces of buildings with “disconnected” power supply due to interruption (not due to debt)
Surfaces of buildings that have never been declared for municipal taxation
Building surfaces, whether finished or not, that have never been electrified
Land not registered in the municipality for the application of Real Estate Tax (RET).
- DECLARATION OF PLOTS FOR PAYMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAX. The Pan-Hellenic Federation of Owners, in particular, reminds landowners within the urban plan and within the community, as well as owners of outside buildings anywhere in the country, that failure to submit a Property Tax declaration entails a monetary fine of twice the amount due for the property. That is why she recommends registering them on the platform with the correct square meters, even if they have already declared them earlier, so that, on the one hand, any of their debts before 12/31/2019 can be removed, and, on the other hand, so that municipalities in the future could send them notifications of HH’s annual payments without double penalty.
- DECLARATION OF REDUCTION OF SQUARE METERS. Owners do not have the right to declare through the application a decrease in the area of their property, but exclusively through the Revenue Service of their municipality, if this is confirmed by their property rights.
- RESULT OF DECLARATION. The rectification declaration does not provide for an automatic change in the area of the property in the file of the Greek Electricity Distribution Network Operator. The declaration will be processed and the areas will be adjusted at a reduced rate by the Revenue Service of the competent municipality, which may, in case of serious doubt, request documentation on the application.
- INFORMATION OF THE OWNERS. The Pan-Hellenic Federation of Owners emphasizes that it is absolutely necessary to notify the last owner of the country and expatriate of Hellenism about this regulation, and it will not tire of repeating that the immediate distribution of information letters from AADE to all property owners – taxpayers of the country is a prerequisite for its mass participation and the success of this agreement and reporting platforms!
- DRAFT LAW OF THE MIA. A draft law of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs is in the process of being processed by the competent Commission of the Greek Parliament, in article 22 of which we emphasize that the following is provided:
- The deadline for filing declarations on non-electrified properties has been extended to 30.6.2020.
- Already established debts for municipal fees and tax are removed from the differences in area not until 31.12.2019, but until the day of their voluntary declaration in the relevant municipality.
- However, the amounts that were confirmed either after verification by the city administration or because of a request for the issuance of a certificate of transfer of real estate are not deleted.
- Amounts already paid to municipalities for the above reasons will not be refunded.
- The deadline for the application of undisclosed undeclared areas is extended until June 30, 2020 only for those owners who will adjust the illegal area after March 31, 2020.